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Season 3 – Round 1 – Sealed RCQ (2-Slot)

AFK Games 2495 Cedar Street STE 14-B, Holt, MI, United States

Tournament Format This event will be a 2-slot RCQ for SCG CON Washington D.C, which means 1st and 2nd will receive an RCQ invite.  We will be playing Outlaws of Thunder Junction Sealed Swiss rounds, and then a cut to top-8 draft that will be…


Innistrad Remastered Preview Event

AFK Games 2495 Cedar Street STE 14-B, Holt, MI, United States

Compete in our preview event for Innistrad Remastered! Draft 3 booster packs and each player adds 2 booster packs into the prize pool! Each player will get a promo for participation while supplies last.
