Join us for a huge 40K apocalypse game benefiting the Holt Food Bank just before the holiday season!
All proceeds will benefit the Holt Food Bank.
There will be raffle prizes.
More details to come!
Tournament Format
Rounds - 3
Round time - 120 minutes
Format - Showdown
Software - Longshanks
Doors - 12:00 pm
Start - 12:30 pm
Entry - $10
Standard events will use…
Entry: $15
Standard Squad
• Squad lists may only contain ships and upgrades listed as Standard
• Players must comply with the Ban List and Restricted List.
• All lists can be found at
Scenario Selection
• Each event round will be played using a different scenario.
• The scenario for each round…
Tournament Format
We will be following the Galactic Conquest Event rules, which can be found at the following link Galactic Conquest Event PDF
Rounds - 4
Round time - 150 minutes
Format - Swiss
Doors - 8:30 am
Round 1 - 9:30 am
AFK Games will be hosting a Marvel: Crisis Protocol tournament on September 2nd, 2023.
Tournament Format
Rounds - 3
Round time - 90 minutes + 15 minutes to finish the current round
Format - Standard Timeline
Software -…
Open Wargaming is happening every Friday evening starting at 5:00 pm. They've got a great lineup of games to choose from, including Age of Sigmar, Para Bellum Conquest, Warhammer 40K, Marvel: Crisis Protocol, Star Wars: Shatterpoint, Star Wars: Legion and many more. If you're a…
We will have all of our tables for individuals to reserve to bring their unwanted miniature game armies, board games, RPG books, etc... You might even find that one item you have been looking to get!
Table reservations begin on August 7th! A reservation is for…
Tournament Format
Rounds - 3
Round time - 2 hours
Table Size - 44x60
Format - Swiss
Software - BCP
Doors - 12:00 PM
Start - 12:30 PM
Entry -…
Tournament Format
Rounds - 3
Round time - 120 minutes
Format - Showdown
Software - Longshanks
Doors - 12:00 pm
Start - 12:30 pm
Entry - $10
Standard events will use…
Tournament Format
We will be following the Galactic Conquest Event rules, which can be found at the following link Galactic Conquest Event PDF
Rounds - 4
Round time - 150 minutes
Format - Swiss
Doors - 9:00 am
Round 1 - 9:30 am