$10 Entry Fee paid to AFK Games
Venue: AFK Games, 2495 N Cedar St STE 14B, Holt, MI 48842
Prizing: Store Credit provided by AFK Games
Format: BBAX Competitive Ranked Format
Check in 11:30 AM
Starts at Noon
Software link:
Raffle for CoroCoro Phoenix Wing 9-80DB
3 Tix for $5
6 for $10
Tournament Format
Rounds - 3
Round time - 90 minutes + 15 minutes to finish the current round
Format - Standard Timeline (2025 Timeline)
Software - Longshanks
Doors - 11:00 AM
Start - 12:00…
Tournament Format
Rounds - Swiss, based on attendance
Round time - 55 Minute, Best of Three
Format - Constructed
Software - melee.gg
Start - 6:30 PM
Entry - $10
Tournament link: https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/243599
Entry: Free
Rounds: 2
Round time: 3.5 Hours
Team Pairing Method: Random pairings for Rounds
Tournament packet:
Entry is $35
Players will get 6 booster packs to construct a sealed deck and play in a swiss tournament.
$6 of the entry will be added to the league prize pool
Event will be updated with more information regarding participation promos, and winner promos closer to release…
Entry is $35
Players will get 6 booster packs to construct a sealed deck and play in a swiss tournament.
$6 of the entry will be added to the league prize pool
Event will be updated with more information regarding participation promos, and winner promos closer to release…
SATURDAY Febuary 22nd, 2025
8:00 -9:00 AM: Registration /Check in
9:00 AM - Noon: Round 1
Noon-1:00 PM Lunch Break and Paint Scoring
1:00 -4:00 PM Round 2
4:00 - 4:15 PM: Short Break
Entry: $75 per team
Rounds: 3
Round time: 3 Hours
Team Pairing Method: Random pairings for Round 1. Swiss Pairings for Round 2 and 3.
Placings are determined by Win/Loss record, then total game points
This event will be run through BCP,…
Tournament Format
Rounds - 2
Round time - 3 hours
Table Size - 3x3
Format - Swiss
Software - Longshanks
Doors - 12:00 PM
Start - 12:30 PM
Entry -…
Join us for our Standard Showdown on Sundays in preparation for our Standard RCQs in January and February!
Prizing will be just like our Modern FNM, $10 Entry, store credit based on record along with promo packs!